วันจันทร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2560

[Tutorial] HOW TO! Make your own POSE BOX Sims 2 by PATZCHIEZ. 

How to make posebox sims 2 
How to make posebox sims 2 easy way

** Easiest Way to create posebox is to Download my sample posebox   here  and then edit just the  Text List.   And leave other things as it was.Then put it into the game. So you do not have to follow all this processes.


**** Translate from thai written by PATZCHIEZ post at simsworld.info Posted on 25-4-2010 12:11:56 *****Translate by Kat Ashkin

  The program needed.
1. MTS_Dr_Pixel_568128_AnimationBaseMeshes.zip Here
2. MTS_wes_h_567612_AniMeshPlugins.zip Here
3. MilkShape 1.8.5 Here

- MTS2_Dr_Pixel_568128_AnimationBaseMeshes. Extract this file anywhere. Which is easy to find.
- MTS2_wes_h_567612_AniMeshPlugins. Extract this file to the same folder as MilkShape before launching the program.
- Register MilkShape   
Name: kat              Serial:  5CdS1-39d3Fd-3Bd40dK 
Name: Milkshape  Serial: J2Bd1-TCdcZ3-T27d11d
Name: User            Serial: dS40d-1Ed33d-36d27d2
- Open MilkShape ..

First of all, In MilkShape, press File> Preferences and you will see this window.

In Misc Tab sets a joint size of 0.010000, otherwise the model will be big bones to become blue full circle.

Part 1: MilkShape> Pose> Export
1. Open the file "AManimBase.ms3d" that is inside MTS_Dr_Pixel_568128_AnimationBaseMeshes.zip 
2. Click on Select, then click on Joint.
3. Adjust the value according to the image. And then adjust the posture as you want.

(IMPORTANT: Before rotate anything, After you click "rotate" button. Click on "Center Of Mass" and "Local"  . If  not,  the joint will twist in the wrong direction in game) 

(IMPORTANT#2: To rotate entire model (make model turn left and right). You must select "root_rot". And then rotate it.   To move model, select "root_trans" and click the move button)   Do not rotate or move the auskel! 

After you satisfied with the pose
Click "Animate -> Set Keyframe" to lock this position. 

Then click on File> Sims2 AniMesh ANIM Exporter V1.0.1. 

Save the file name as a-anything. Do not use anything other than alphanumeric and - (dash).
Like a-patzchiez-cute-posebox, a-patzchiez, a-patzchiez-posebox

*Kat's note* I have tried several time and found out that you don't have to put "a-" in front of file name. it's still works!

After u click save. This window will pop-up. Set values like this and click "Export. 

Now open Simpe.  To create our posebox
If you have all the black frame menus below. Go to the next step.  If you don't have. Simply click "Windows -> and click each menu until you have all those 3 menus below.

Press the white paper on top left 

Then click Start Button 

Wait, wait a long time, and select "Unknown". 

Press the P key on the keyboard, Cursor will move to the file name that begins with P 
choose "Paul's reaction test object"
Click Next.

Set value like in image below.
1 > 2

Then click Next. ( 3 ) 

Then this window will pop up .   

Rename files as u like. 
Click Update first, and then OK. 

Click on Plugin View (in the red box below). 
Then click on "get GUID". 
then set the Object Name and then Register Object. 
Register as a new user! 
Note from hermit_fox : As of 2017 GUID database is shut down. You can get GUID  from here.   this tutorial by celebkiriedhel oranother tutorial by Honeywell . 


Save it anywhere so we can put it in download folder later. Type the object name as you want. 

Part 2.1: Animation File 
Just press the white paper, create a new file, and right-click at the empty space on the right. Click Add..

Select pose file that you have saved. Do not forget to select file type as "All files" if you don't see any file to select -0- 
To selected many of them , just press Ctrl or Shift and select each file 
In the image below there are 2 poses. 

Then click on the Resource tab and select Type as Animation Resource

Insert group value of 0x1C0532FA  
Then press commit. 

Then click on the Plugin View tab and click "fix TGI". 

After u click "Fix TGI" it will change the "Instance(high)" and "Instance", from 0x00000000 to some random numeric.
Click on "Fix TGI" in every line. Then save (Save As ...). Name the file to know that it is a pose file.    example like: MinnaPose.package, KatPose.package

Do you see Filename. "a-patzchiez-pb01-02" That I crop red?

You need to copy this text. (This is the name of each pose)
Save them in notepad somewhere

like this


Then close it down. 

Part 2.3: Edit your CLONE BOX
Open the file we cloned. ( the box file).
First Look in AllRes. (Left)

Select Text Lists. delete the red highlighted files

Select Anims - Adult
Look at the String box below, insert the file name of the pose that we saved in notepad.
Insert one line per one pose. 

Example "a-patzchiez-pb01-01" 

Commit File> Save it.

Zoom here. Here we have 2 texts already. Look at the code in column # it's different you see?

Now go to "Pie Menu Strings"
This is about the command text that show when we click the box. such as Pose 1> Start
Just enter the String you want for each pose here .

Look at the English column ..
There is line 21 22 23  that contain the commands. Select 3 of these and then Delete.

Assuming that you wants to click on the box and it will pop-up Pose 1 and you click again, it will be Start, Stop
Understand that, right? Let's do that
If line 0 is the start of pose 1, line 1 must be the stop of pose 1.
If you look at the picture.
Line 4 is reset command, if you have used the box to you'll familiar with it.
Overwrite the values and add more line if not enough.

This are more patterns if you like it.
Pose ../ 1 ../ Start       or      Female ../ Pose ../ 1 ../ Start   
Then Commit File> Save. Really need to Commit every time the file is edited.

Now this is the point.
Select "Behaviour Function" on the left and delete the red highlighted files.

Now right-click on the Function-Init and select Clone.
The file is in a red frame that I cropped for you.
Then look in the red frame below. On the left side there are two boxes under the Filename box.
The right hand is the code of each box. It has meaning.

Every time you edit value, press Commit.
I have 2 pictures for you to see it.
First, look at the "filename" of both images, we will need to name our file as Start - xxx
xxx can be anything

Then click on the first box that is green color.
Look at "Instruction Settings" set values as shown.

Then click on box #2 that is white color and look at the value in red frame (after operands)
You'll see 00 That i cropped red

What is 00? It is the position of the "Text List". 
If you do not remember to go up to see above.
Set the value of the first field of the operands based on the line in the Text Lists of that pose.
Other values set as shown in the image.

Now come to the Stop command.
Clone from the last one and then select the first box then click Delete.

Set the first value of "Operands" the same number as the Text Lists number of the pose.
Do not forget to change the file name to Stop - Pose xxx.

This picture zoom the value of the stop to look clearer.

Start Pose 2  value

Zoom to see the first value is 01 .

This is not difficult at all. Snap reset   just clone Stop and
Set up value as the picture.


Well, Now we finish with the Plugin View tab then we have to edit the Resource tab
Look at Instance box
Because of this number of instances must not be duplicated in each pose.
The last two digits is 41 for the Start - Pose 1.
Stop - Pose 1 > 42
Start - Pose 2 > 43
Stop - Pose 2 > 44
Snap Reset> 77
You can use 2A 2B. 
Do not forget Commit + Save


We come near the final
Now click Pie Menu Functions

Look at  Pie String ID  box. you must choose each pose for each  Pie String ID.

Example like this:

Pie String ID  0x00000000 choose  Pose 1/Start
Pie String ID  0x00000001 choose  Pose 1/Stop 
Pie String ID  0x00000002 choose  Pose 2/Start
Pie String ID  0x00000003 choose  Force End  (or the very last Pie string ID)
If Pie String ID is not enough, then add it 


Now choose Action BHAV, press the arrow (red frame)
Choose the value the same as Pie String ID.

Set other values ​​as shown.

W're not gonna use this line . We can delete it

Adjust the item category. It's easy.
Go to Object Data (left hand side) and select Reaction Test.
set as your desire categories.

Now click "Texture Image". 
Let us prepare the picture. The size of the image. .
Normally only 256x256.
Then import the image by size.
Then Commit> Save, respectively.

Finally, change the object name and enter the details.
Need to explain? I'm very sleepy right now.

completed !!
What is the best way to do this?
Thank you for watching

There will be two files . Pose and Box
Put them in download folder




 เพลงเวดดิ้ง   https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ft-Kfgd5--EdPekj__alz13YN5CSRaVV